View this post in perspective of a villian at the end of a melodrama...or mebbe a telugu dub Vijay TV matinee special...
I havent been spending enuf time on by blog...ohh wait...actually i havent been spending any time on my blog!
But woudlnt expect a guy who leaves for a lab as soon as he wakes up...and comes bak jus to crash in the room to come up with anything even remotely exciting...leave alone find the time to write it....
naah..this aint those glorious days of work...when again i got up jus in time to rush to office...but then thr was this whole empty phase from 830 in the morn to 6 in the eve...where i could do a whole world of thinking and writing and writing without thinking....
i dont intend to make this the last post..the finishing touch for my blog...but i definitely know tat the next few weeks of my life is definitely gonna be so wierdly hectic...tat the last thing i wud be left with is creativity or strength to even sign off as chaami exi...
assuming i have done enuf beating around the bush....i intend to summarize saying...damn i havent paid the blog enuf attention....and ohh..sorry folks...pardon this insipid bloke....look at him as the remake of prodigal son(original script by J.Jesus).....
...and thus explained...i re-enter the arena
(chami exits)